Visions of Heaven and Hell
  Home | The Cat's Lair | MasterKarn's Pics | MasterKarn's Stories | Nothing Normal comic | About Nothing Normal | About Vision of Heaven and Hell | What's New Page | Pics | Contact Us | Favorite Links | Guest Book  


Nothing Normal Comics has been brought to you by the letter R for Random and the number... um.. number.. Waffles! YAY! WAFFLES!

~ Most of this site is under construction so please excuse the unfinishedness of it all but feel free to still browse around. ~

~~Site rated for ages 16-18 years and up, children under these ages please leave now. This site is not intended for children due to language and content. Further warnings at bottom of the page.~~

Webcomics, Pics and Stories! Gotta love the best of all worlds!



Oct 6, 2005     Mistress Kitty

I would like to thank everyone who has come to visit us so far. I mean wow over 2,000 hits! Thanks again you guys! *hugs everyone tightly*


Oct 1, 2005           MasterKarn

Well My group and I have gotten kinda pissed off with this 'flamer' and we thought we'd spike the chat box...sorry if that means that legitimate viewers are hurt by this, But no worries we are working on a Members area! 

Looks like things are getting under way...Hopefully we can keep some hits coming back...Enjoy everyone!



Ok, I know this isn't the real comic but this did happen. the scanner works. its new but it won't work. it just stopped working. That and my photoshop is down soooooo. I'm finding a new way to scan and color the comic. and this update, its an old pic that I used for my old cartoon. its one of the first versions of July. so yeah, thats why there has been no comic. there should be an update soon.


July 25, 2005    July

Hey Peoples! Guess what? I am starting up my comic and hopefully it will become popular! I got well over ten characters already that plan to be in the stories featured here. So I apologise if anyone gets lost in the shuffle. Oh and bear with me when I don't exactly update on time. I kinda have a very scatterbrained mind plus events in real life may be a big factor to lateness. ~~July~~


Just a reminder, the content of this site is rated ages 16-18 and up. No children under these ages should view this site due to language and content. If a child under these ages is on this site, it is not our responsibility to change the site in order for it to be viewed by all. It should be the parent or guardian's responsibilty to make sure the child is not on sites they shouldn't be on. Besides, chances are, the children will or already know about language and the situations in this site's conents.


Visions of Heaven and Hell art, stories and characters copyrighted © MISTRESS KITTY and MASTER KARN and other artists/authors that have submitted their work. 2005
Nothing Normal comic and characters are copyrighted © Katie "July SporkyFox" Bowman 2005