About Nothing Normal
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Me, July SporkyFox, Creator of Nothing Normal
Some say I'm crazy, some say I'm dumb, most just agree to both. I can't say I don't blame them but I do know one thing, comics are fun even when they are about stupid things. This is why I made Nothing Normal, so people can laugh at the stupid things that go on in my head and everyday life. My life, heh. Most won't understand my life and I'm quite happy with that. I live in a small duplex house with three other roomates: Two cats (one part fey, vampire and fire demon, the other, a full fire demon related to elven bloodlines) and a 90,000 year old kitsune. We live in one side of the duplex while my father and his girlfriend live on the other. Me, I'm just a simple brown fox with scarlet phoenix wings and blonde hair with purple and teal streaks. As you have guessed, I mentioned no humans other than my dad and his girlfriend. I see people's spirit animals and I don't recognize human traits much. so you won't be seeing many humans here except for a few. Anyway, getting back to the task at paw, I'm the querky, overly cute, windowlicker of the group. I do show my intellegent side but sometimes common sense just falls in the mud too many times when it comes to me. I'm also one of the youngest here. My dragon Halley follows me almost everywhere and he's just as crazy as I am and when I have Carl, my spork of doom, heh you know some crazy insane Sporky Wrath is going to be unleashed upon the world... Ok, enough of me... Lets get on with the other parts like everyone else and the rest of the website...

The History Behind Nothing Normal
Everyone knows I love to draw. Its my passion, my life... well, so is my soulmate Anu but we'll get to him later ~_^ hehe. Now, Nothing Normal was actually created in a graphic design class... I wasn't exactly paying much attention sadly. The assignment was to make a logo for a company we could create for our artwork. I had to think up a name and make some sort of logo... which really wasn't too hard for me... the logo part... the name however, I was stumped. So what did I do? I doodled away the entire class until the end. One of my classmates looked over and asked what name I picked. I said I didn't know and they looked at the doodles I had made and mentioned that they were very unusual and they have seen nothing like it. I had been drawing little fuzzballs that had turned out to be my characters The Fuzzclops. I nodded and thanked them and mulled over what they had said. Unusual... uncommon, not normal... hmmm...they had seen nothing like it... nothing..... normal... Nothing Normal! Eureka!! I had a name and now I could create the logo. Which was simple. I just used the name as the logo with some special touches of course to make it look like an actual logo. The characters came along afterwards, when I found out how to see animal spirits and other spirits and demons. Being Wiccan kinda helped also, dealing with past lives. Many ideas helped in the creation of this comic, and my friends, some who are my roomates, helped tremendously and give them full credit in helping me make this comic into a reality.

About The Story
Bear with me, the actual story behind characters and plots are rather shakey right now but I can tell you what I know.
Now, As the first comic shows, Oglethorpe Fluffatine Peop is requesting aid on his villainous outfit... or lack thereof. Pink isn't really a frightening color... Gavin Azarial Peop, Fluffatines half brother, is more of the villainous type but is too busy with DDR. Normally the two are total opposites yet somewhere deep inside they both want the same thing: World domination. This is where our heroes come in. Ok, I admit, our heroes aren't really your typical heroes. They're mostly a vampiric and demonic group of furres who have lived since the days before Aurthur and have grown accustomed to past and present day habits. Accompaning them are lesser demons and dragons and a griffin. Unknowingly, they become the protectors of the world one day when noticing a large amount of evil demonic activity shrouding over the world due to Fluffatine's meddling. Using ancient and modern magic and some sheer dumb luck, Fluffatine's plans are foiled easily but could that be the worst of their worries or is there something bigger right around the corner? You'll just have to find out in this stupidly funny comic and see how the story unfolds.

Come see my other works of art!
My Sheezy Art Page

Visions of Heaven and Hell art, stories and characters copyrighted © MISTRESS KITTY and MASTER KARN and other artists/authors that have submitted their work. 2005
Nothing Normal comic and characters are copyrighted © Katie "July SporkyFox" Bowman 2005